My daily life

For Beginners

2月のおいしい食べ物 | Delicious Foods that I ate in February.

For Intermediate

2月のおいしい食べ物 | Delicious Foods that I ate in February.

For Beginners

ジョンソンタウンとコストコ | Johnson Town & Costco

For Intermediate

ジョンソンタウンとコストコ | Johnson Town & Costco

For Beginners

1月のおいしい食べ物 | Delicious Foods that I ate in January.

For Intermediate

1月の美味しいものたち | Delicious Foods that I ate in January.

For Beginners

とても便利なぶんぼうぐ | Very Useful Stationery

For Intermediate

とても便利な文房具 | Very Useful Stationery

For Beginners

シンガポールからのにもつ | A Package from Singapore

For Intermediate

シンガポールからの贈り物 | A Package from Singapore

For Beginners

学生と川越へ | Short Trip to Kawagoe with My Student

For Intermediate

学生と川越へ小旅行 | Short Trip to Kawagoe with My Student
