For Intermediate

For Intermediate

とても悲しい一日 | A Very Sad Day

For Intermediate

初めてのプロ野球 | My First Professional Baseball Game

For Intermediate

もう一人のお母さん | I have Another Mother

For Intermediate

外国の名前で日本に住むと | Living in Japan with foreign name

For Intermediate

高級ホテルであった残念なこと | A Disappointment in a Luxury Hotel

For Intermediate

シャドーイングで日本語を練習したら… | If you practice Japanese by shadowing…

For Intermediate

久しぶりのレッスン | First Lesson in a While

For Intermediate

自家製コンブチャ | Homemade Kombucha

For Intermediate

家族を思うお盆休み | Obon Holiday to Think of Family

For Intermediate

A5和牛ステーキ | Japanese A5 Wagyu Steak

For Intermediate

山の日 | Japanese Mountain Day.

For Intermediate

私はペーパードライバー | I am a “Paper Driver”.
