For Intermediate

スポーツの日 | National Sports Day

For Beginners

はじめて孫に会えた | The Moment Grandparents Meet Their Grandchildren for the First Time.

For Intermediate

初めて孫に会えた | The Moment Grandparents Meet Their Grandchildren for the First Time.

For Beginners

夜3時までじゅぎょうのじゅんび | Preparing for Classes until 3 a.m.

For Intermediate

夜中3時まで授業の準備 | Preparing for Classes until 3 a.m.

For Beginners

ぎょうざをやきました | I cooked Gyoza.

For Intermediate

ぎょうざを焼きました | I cooked Gyoza.

For Beginners

おなじ名前のめいかさん | Other Meika with the Same Name

For Intermediate

同じ名前のめいかさん | Other Meika with the Same Name

For Beginners

はじめてのルームシェア | Sharing a Room for the First Time

For Intermediate

初めてのルームシェア | Sharing a Room for the First Time

For Beginners

やっと日本へ行けます!| Japan finally opens up!

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