Japanese Culture

梅雨入り | The start of the rainy season was announced in Japan.

日本のご当地ハンバーガー | Japanese Local Hamburgers

日本のご当地ハンバーガー | Japanese Local Hamburgers

雨男と雨女 | Ameotoko and Ameonna

雨男と雨女 | Ameotoko and Ameonna

日本の入学式と入社式 | Japanese Entrance Ceremonies for Schools and Companies

日本の入学式と入社式 | Japanese Entrance Ceremonies for Schools and Companies

桜はいつ咲く? | Cherry Blossom Forecast

桜の開花はいつ? | Cherry Blossom Forecast

日本の飲み会ルール | “Rules” For Drinking With Japanese Coworkers